Dynamic File Paths


Is there anyway to save files to a dynamic path as the folder name I want to save to will change every month based on year and month. I.e. Sep 2022 will be named 202209 and Oct 2022 will be 202210 and so on.

I am fairly new to the product and only recently started playing around with the files saving capabilities.

Would greatly appreciate some direction.


I think I figured it out similar to the email distribution variable created in qlik I can do the same for a folder storage variable. Any thoughts on whether this is the only/best solution.

Hi @qaadir,
Welcome to the Qalyptus community.

Saving reports with a dynamic folder path is only possible when your report is an Iteration report.
An iteration report is a report that generates many files by looping over the values of a field (Ex: a report per salesperson).
If your report is simple, you can transform it into an iteration report. Choose an Iteration field that contains only one value.

Folow the video in this article to see how to implement it.

The video is for sending emails, but it works similarly for folders. Check out the explanation above the video.


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