Height settings HTML report changed on the fly

I’ve created an simple HTML report with Qalyptus Desktop and also created a simple task within the Qalyptus Server.

I run into a problem with the height settings of my report.
on the Desktop version I have set the height settings of the report to be 750px high.

On the Qalyptus Server, when I put the email task into testmode and run the task(to create the html report) I get the report emailed to my with an height of 500px.

because of the 250 px differance I’m missing data shown in the preview and not in the email

My question, is there a way that the email send out is also 750px instead of the 500px I get right now?

within the email I’ve got the following setup:

Hello #user,

Your report
[Report title]
[actual HTML report]

This can be closed.
rookie mistake. didn’t publish the edited report from Desktop to Server :slight_smile: